Left-Over Posts? Snippets Not Quite Meaty Enough On Their Own To Make A Satisfying Post?
This Is The Place To Come To Use Them Up.

Tuesday 2 February 2010


Calling all Cooks

If you have a fridge or freezer full of left-overs posts,  if you have ingredients for only half a post,  if you want to test the waters prior to running with a blogging post, if you have an idea,  a picture, or a collection of all of the above, then this is the place to off-load them.

This blog is meant to become a repository for  items which are usually filed under 'miscellaneous'.

Preferred ingredients are, in no particular order, and preferably more than one at a time:

prose and poetry, happy or sad or just quirky,
about anything that catches your attention,

interesting photos or artwork,

funnies, jokes, gags,





or anything that I can't think of right now, 
which you could remind me of, as the pot gets simmering.

What we don't want is anything that's 'off', nothing mouldy, rotten, long beyond its sell-by-date. Let's be nice to each other and the stockpot.

Would those who have said they'd like to get into the kitchen and whose email address is not on their blogs, please email me. For the time being I'd like to keep the site for members only. 

WARNING: I am an IT novice, there will probably be many things I get wrong, bear with me, please, and if you know better, actually know what you are doing, then teach me!